Fartyg i Södertäljes bränslehamn

The Energy Terminal

With its three berths that can accommodate vessels of up to 200 meters in length and a berth depth of 9.5 meters Port of Södertälje is able to receive large ships at the Energy Terminal. The proximity to the motorway and rail connection to the main line makes the port an optimal location for further distribution of energy products within the greater Stockholm region.

Presently the Swedish Maritime Administration run a project where the fairway to/from the Port of Södertälje is to be deepend and broadened to a draft of 10.5 meters. In connections to this project our berths will be accomoadated to same depth.

The Port of Södertälje hold an environmental permit to handle a yearly volume of in total 2.2 million tons.


Contact Per Fredman

VP Sales & Marketing
Phone: +46 8 550 237 66
Email: per.fredman@soeport.se