The first step into the world of work
The early months of the year have seen two trainees from the Tekniksprånget (Technology Leap) work placement programme working at the Port of Södertälje, where they have been assisting in digitising some of our operations.
– We have spent two months working on creating a GPS solution from the ground up, to keep track of all of the vehicles and containers that arrive at the port, says 20-year-old Jennifer Malmgren.
Knowledge for life
Together with Max Häggman, 19, she has joined us from the Tekniksprånget work placement programme, which is aimed at young people between the ages of 18 and 21 who have graduated from upper-secondary schools specialising in engineering or science. The aim of the programme is to secure the future supply of skills in the engineering field.
Work placements last for four months, during which the youngsters receive a trainee wage.
Jobs after work placements
Tomas Zackrisson has been supervising the trainees during their placement at the Port of Södertälje.
– We are delighted that we can help young students to find their future careers, while at the same time we gain an extra resource in our daily operations, says Tomas, who in addition to his supervisory role is also IT, environment and quality manager at the Port of Södertälje.
Tekniksprånget provides work experience, work placement certificates and references. For Jennifer and Max, their work placements have also resulted in jobs – the pair will be staying on at the Port of Södertälje.
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