Increased pressure on the port leads to more jobs
Stockholm is growing, trade and manufacturing industry are doing well and the need for more housing is increasing sharply. These are three factors that have contributed to increased volumes at Port of Södertälje. As a result three new full-time positions have been filled, a trainee and nine additional workers have joined port operations.
The importance to the expansion of staffing levels is shown when an employee retires or when business volumes of automobiles, housing modules and building materials increase. It is then that we need more stevedores at quayside and more strategists in the office. Per Öberg, who worked quayside, Fanny Norlindh and Emil Nyberg, who was hired when needed, are now all full-time employees.
- The advantage of hiring from our pool of additional workers is that we are confident about the skills they have and skills we are looking for, says Tommy Flink production manager at Port of Södertälje. We have enjoyed good growth in 2015 and as it looks now, the trend will continue in 2016. There may be additional jobs in the future if things continue at this rate.
Port of Södertälje employs 37 permanent stevedores and some 15 additional staff up to five days a week. During the coming years some of our employees will retire and it is then important to find new skills. Nine new staff members have now been employed and undergoing training. Marten Afrem, who currently reads management and third party logistics at Södertälje Polytechnic, will start his trainee position during the spring. It's a two-year program developed in conjunction with companies in the logistics industry and based on knowledge of the needs the industry is looking for.
- We are very pleased that the relatively new logistics program at Södertälje Polytechnic is beginning to yield results, says Tommy. We see a growing need for expertise in logistics ahead.
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