Green Cargo changes its traffic design
As from the 12th of December 2016 Green Cargo has streamlined its traffic design. Green Cargo’s goods wagons will now be coupled together at Eskilstuna instead of Hallsberg. This means a number of changes will be taking place at Port of Södertälje too.
Trains now arrive at Port of Södertälje in the afternoon instead of during the morning. Trains are now longer with more wagons making it possible to transport larger volumes of goods. The Green Cargo train will now arrive at port every week, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
The major benefits of Green Cargo's new approach is that it provides an increased flexibility in goods transport and makes it possible to distribute goods to more terminals. With trains arriving in the afternoon means that containers can be loaded onto trucks early the next morning. Hauliers can then catch an early first wave of deliveries and then have time to come back for the next wave before the rush hour has started.
– Wagon availability will increase with the new system thus bringing better quality of service and greater flexibility for transport between the destinations we serve. We will have separate carriages dedicated to hubs such as Södertälje, Gothenburg and Gävle. We see a growth potential in the area and therefore have chosen to invest in this solution in particular, says Fredrik Andersen, production manager at Green Cargo.
About Green Cargo:
In Sweden, Green Cargo has nearly 400 goods trains running on a daily basis thus replacing approximately 10 000 truck transports via the national road network. Green Cargo operates from approximately 270 locations both in Sweden and Norway and, with our partners, we reach the whole of Europe. Customers are now offered transportation under the label ’SSNC Good Environmental Choice’. Green Cargo is state-owned and the concern employs a workforce of 2 000 and an annual turnover of 3.9 billion SEK.