The answers that make a difference
Many thanks to all of you who took part in the Port of Södertälje's annual customer survey and for the wonderful marks you gave us! The answers that come in are very important and are the basis of work to improve and develop the port.
– We are pleased that so many took the time to respond to this year's NKI (satisfied customer index) survey, says Per Fredman, Vice President Sales and Marketing, Port of Södertälje.
The survey was sent out at the beginning of November 2018 and the purpose of the customer survey is to get a clear picture of what customers think about the port.
Positive attitude
A first analysis of the results shows a positive attitude towards the port. What stands out is that confidence in the port is high. The geographical location of the port is also seen as good/very good, which is of great strategic importance.
– We are grateful for the many comments that our customers made in the survey and we certainly take notice of these. One comment was that the port's future in terms of handling containers feels uncertain, but we want to dismiss this immediately. Right now, we are in the process of investing and updating our machinery, says Per and continues:
– Give us 2019, and we'll see if we succeed in our strategy of increasing our volumes. Why not aim at doubling the present level at least? says Per.
High environmental profile
A desire for shipping solutions to the other side of the Baltic Sea was also put forward.
– We can only agree. Without saying too much, this is something we are working hard for, says Per.
The study also revealed that awareness of the environmental work of the Port of Södertälje and its pursuit of a high environmental profile is not widely known.
– We have taken this on board and we realise that we need to review how we can be clearer in our communication by promoting our environmental initiatives. Because we are working very actively on becoming a greener port, Per concludes.
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