Prefab housing from Latvia to Södertälje
Nowadays deliveries of construction components are a common sight at Port of Södertälje thanks to a recently secured new customer that specializes in pre-cast concrete components.
The first fully-laden vessels docked a couple of weeks ago with supplies for the construction programme taking place at Järva, north of the capital. Euroglobe, the forwarding agent for the project, will continue with the import of pre-cast concrete components using exclusively Port of Södertälje as point of service. The port can look forward to 10 to 11 vessel loads weighing in at 10 to 12 000 tons of concrete well in to June 2016.
- Port of Södertälje was the only obvious choice for us, says Javier Sanguesa, CEO at Euroglobe. There’s a lot of space but above all there is a functional flexibility at port which is vital for this special cargo.
The Lake Mälaren region and its surrounding areas are undergoing a period of expanded growth. Port of Södertälje’s geographical location is perfectly situated for the distribution of construction-related products to the area as transports by road are kept to a minimum.
- We will continue to focus on construction component deliveries to the Lake Mälaren region, says Per Fredman, marketing manager at Port of Södertälje. These particular cargos require detailed planned operations that demand flexibility, but in turn this gives us the opportunity for associations with other actors in the field in order to maximize our capacity and to fill in eventual gaps.
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